variable carbon star X-TrA

I came across this sweet little southern gem, designated X-TrA last night when fooling around in the vicinity. Held my son, Rowan, up to the eyepiece to have a look too. It’s 1500 light years away but the perfect clear dark sky and very high elevation brought it closer to us last night.

Nearly the winter solstice, when everything pauses strangely waiting. They are cutting down trees along the Old Cooma Road. It feels like a new age is upon us, although today I cling to the past, where everything I love and left is still existing. Is that how it will feel after the big crunch?

Pressing buttons on the Korg ms2000 last night, I describe a one dimensional world in sound. Sound is always one dimensional, a single waveform. Art is two dimensional – a canvas (I exclude sculpture etc). Life is three dimensional. But all can touch something of the dimension above. like stereo in music mimics two dimensions, and perspective in art mimics the third dimension, and through changes in life we can understand time, the fourth dimension. Poetry, like thought I think, is four dimensional as we can journey back and forth along the time scale whilst also experiencing it. We consider that this is as a shadow or a dream state, but it is no less real just because it feels like that. We can aspire to touch the fifth dimension but have no idea what it is – death I suppose – the ‘other’. Maybe I am following along the route mapped by imagining the tenth dimension but I’m not sure it’s quite the same. I am interested more in how these things are experienced than in their logical basis.. or am i?

update: I am thinking more about this concept and will develop it into a new post soon.