Attended a really interesting talk last week, the ANU’s Jager Hales lecture which this year was given by Professor Edouard Bard (Collège de France & CEREGE Univ. Aix-Marseille, France) about the end of the last ice age, where from about 18,000...
Having a coffee before my first Earth sciences lecture, I watch some workman cutting up bike racks with a battery powered angle grinder and hacksaw. The sulphry burnt smell of the blade cutting through steel reminds me of dad’s workshop and...
I read two poems, edit and the Pact at the recent Poets for Peace event and they were well received by the Southside Poets. I liked the venue, Manning Clark House which was full of old books and winter sun streaming...
I am glad that we seem to have found the Higgs particle. Now we can all sleep comfortably with our good looking standard model. Watching the live feed.. so much data.. fantastic. webcast (will only work for another hour or so)...
it’s taken me a few days to get to the point where i feel i can get all this down. you know i used to often think ‘nobody knows what’s going on’. it’s a conceited idea, i admit, but i do...