The S in Pλosm represents Science. The scientist is drawn by curiosity towards the unknown. But they are also determined to keep their feet on the ground of reason. Science in its modern form is a product of the Enlightenment. But...
O represents the Ouroboros—an ancient possibly Egyptian symbol of a snake eating its own tail. It is also the ensō 円相—a zen symbol representing the universe, enlightenment and ‘mu’—the void. It represents the Hindu Upaniṣhad’s concept of Brahmā, the absolute, and...
Λ or L stands for Λόγος , logos, which is a word or argument.. a narrative and by extension a logic, a law (though ‘law’ has a different latin root–from laga, something lain down). The progress along the pada, the path,...
The P in Pλosm is for Path or Sanskrit पद् ‘pad’ = foot (it has the same indo-european root as in octo-pous, “eight feet“, and ‘pedal’). Each footstep on the path finds a balance between logic on the one hand, and...
This website is a bit of a mess. There are two layers—the wordpress blog you are in now, plus a bunch of older web 1.0 pages, where my poems are archived by date into the Poem Library database . There is...
my first sensations are of the light and the sun.. flooding into the front room of my grandparents’ house where my parents and i were living in Farrer, Canberra, in 1978, and the sounds of mum playing the clair de lune...
Over the Christmas break i spent time with my bees. Here are some of my hives, my 4yo daughter helped paint one of them (we did it before the bees were in it). I have had bees for nearly 9 years...
Bec Sandridge first stuck me as out of the ordinary when I heard her unique voice — a kind of seashell soft croon that has both a warm force and an ease, winging at airy heights — and her early songs...
I was born in 1978 and although I don’t think i have any specific memories that i can be sure i can tie to the 1970s (when i was still under 2 years old), decades do tend to live on for...
The sound track to this post is Anton’s new track “not blowing smoke up your ass” .. you should let it play in the background. Modern society is like a carefully calibrated engine. After centuries of experimentation, by the mid 20th...
Reading Lorca, and then reading about Lorca in Spanish Wikipedia, I think about the how the quiet poet becomes a rebel, not through any change in himself, but through his being an unchanging self while society around him changes. (photo courtesy...