I have finally released all my work here into the public domain for good. I first released some of my work onto the public domain about three years ago, but then wavered, and put a creative commons license on new work...
The Australian media somehow isn’t seeing the true significance of yesterday’s skirmish outside The Lobby restaurant following Tony Abott’s ignorant comments about the significance of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy in Canberra. I unfortunately have no real connections to the Aboriginal community...
It is acknowledged that time travel is possible – in fact, we are going to need to use these kinds of physics if we are ever going to explore the universe, at least according to the framework of general relativity. But...
Today I have finally finished the first part of my SIN SUM SON trilogy. I’ve drawn on some of my travel experiences from journal days for part one, and it is actually quite autobiographical, except for the parts which obviously aren’t,...
Originally published in BMA Connoisseurs of the Canberra music scene will have at some point found themselves grooved by the intimate and experimental folk triptet Hashemoto, or may have got to know them in their previous incarnation Trouser Trouser. The core...
Originally Published in BMA Tame Impala swept a Canberra crowd with psychedelic viscera on Saturday October 9, as part of their current Australian tour in support of their first full album, Innerspeaker, released in May this year. Having recently completed a...
Everyone who lives in Canberra should know about John Gale, who was the editor and founder of the Queanbeyan age in the second half of the 19th century, and whose pamphlet “Dalgety or Canberra – Which?” probably clinched the decision of...
Originally Published in SX Magazine, September 2002 Damien Rice took to the stage in fine form last tuesday night to an audience of loyal fans who had come from far and wide to hear his subtle blend of Irish folk/rock and...
Originally published in SX Magazine, August 2002 They came from the bottom of the fruit bowl and taught us how to be bad and cooky. Perhaps they ate their parents. Who knows how exactly it was that these theatrical satanist misfits...